Our Story

Welcome to our site! We are Joanne & Steve. After 20+ years working for a city school department and police department, we sold almost everything, bought an RV, and started living on the road with our three children. Joanne homeschooled and worked online. Over the years we worked for Jellystone Parks as well as volunteered. We stopped traveling after 7 years and bought a house. Steve continued police work with the National Park Service and Joanne taught Kindergarten. Now that our three kids are adults, we have decided to travel more and explore.

Playground Review

As we travel we will, undoubtably, be stopping at some playgrounds to expel some pent-up energy.  For your travel knowledge, we will review those playgrounds so you know where to head for some fun!

As Ian and Steve traveled to Indiana to pick up Eagle, they had an assignment to check out cool playgrounds...so here are the ones they visited.