
Friday, December 28, 2012

Liquor, Liquor Everywhere

Growing up in Rhode Island, one grows accustomed to driving to the local liquor store for all our libation needs.  You are not allowed to drink them until you get home, of course.  You cannot even buy a single beer; only a six-pack or larger.  And, when you get to the store, you have to get out of your car to go inside to make the purchase.

Well, Rhode Island being adjacent to Connecticut, we knew that you could also purchase wine and beer at grocery stores in that state.  But, once we hit Ohio, we got our first taste of Drive-Thru Liquor stores.  Yes, drive-thru.  You don't even need to get out of your car.  Now, of course, that doesn't mean that the person driving will start to drink in the car.  Just as it doesn't mean the person walking in to buy liquor will drink when he gets back to his car.  However, it was still a bit of a shock to see.

While we stayed in Florida, I was amazed, if not pleased, to see that even CVS and Walgreens sold beer and wine in their stores.  Not a huge selection or high quality choices, but, nice in a pinch.

Then, we hit Louisiana.  Just across from our campground is Crazy Dave's Daiquiri Bar and Grill...with a drive-up daiquiri window.  Here's the window below, and the row of daiquiri selections.  Of course, Louisiana has an open-container law, meaning, you aren't allowed to have an open container in your vehicle.  And, of course, the bartender just hands the driver the closed cup with the straw, and of course, you, the driver would never puncture said cover with the straw in order to sip whilst driving.  

Or would you?  The temptation is certainly there.  It is hard to believe that, in this day and age, the opportunity to drink and drive is so readily available and legal.  I don't quite get the reasoning behind it.  I had one of the daiquiris and they taste more like a Dunkin' Donuts Fruit Coolatta than a daiquiri.  Too sweet.  

But, if you decide to venture into Crazy Dave's, and you've had a bit too much to drink, and want to camouflage that fact, just drop into the restroom for some complimentary 

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