
Monday, October 1, 2012

Small Plastic Brick x 10,000

We now have less than two months left in New England before we hoist anchor and set the wheels in motion.  The excitement is building, but the time will pass quickly.  It calls to mind my teaching days, during those last two months of school; excited for summer to begin but overwhelmed with trying to accomplish all of the end-of-year requirements by the last day.  Considering we have been stationary for almost a year, you’d think we wouldn’t have to do much to get underway, but we are still purging.
The Eagle weighs, including full water and propane, 12,498 lbs and can hold an extra 3302 lbs of cargo.  That’s a total of 15,800 lbs.  The truck can tow 18,000 lbs.  3302 lbs can add up quickly considering the electronics, pots and pans, linens, clothing, books, toys, toys, toys, and other items we will be bringing.  We do not want to be stopped and fined for being over weight.  So, before we hit the road, we need to hit the CAT Scale and check our weight.
There are certain things, of course, that we cannot say goodbye to.  One of which is the multitude of Legos that belong to the children with whom we travel.  Legos are small, but even small things have mass.
According to an unofficial Lego site, each 1×4 Lego weighs 1.64 g which equals 0.057849298 oz.  That means 275 1×4 Lego pieces weigh 1 pound.  Since we most likely have at least 10,000 Legos, that would equal about 36.5 pounds of Legos.  And since most of the Legos are larger than a 1×4, that weight is probably an underestimate.  Not a huge amount in the grand scheme of things, but weight none-the-less.
So, we continue to make decisions about what goes and what stays.  What we can store (poor parents) and what we can give away.  And we begin the end of Phase…something-or-other… to head full-on into Full-Timing.

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