
Friday, April 8, 2011

Breaking out from the Ice

Well, so, I have taken quite the sabbatical from this blog.  The horrifically long and arduous winter numbed my brain to hibernation mode.  Now that the days are a tad bit longer, and the sun is peeking out a bit more, I am finally starting to feel a slight surge of mental energy...although, not much so be patient.

The nibbles on the property and house have been few, however, since we hadn't planned to place it onto the market until Spring, and actually did so in October, we aren't really bugged by the lack of offers.  But, we need to see some soon.

The next big projects will be a full-house painting, and a new roof.  April vacation will be chock-full of home improvements, sans injury we hope.

Steve is still recovering form a knee reconstruction surgery in early February.  He is doing well though and enjoying the retirement he took since just before the surgery.  He is now a full-time stay-at-home dad.

The Eagle has sat, silent, snow-covered, and is beckoning to us to pull her from the mud and begin the trek across the USA.  Steve is currently installing new slide-out motors as one has already fried, and the company sent us 3 new to replace all.  Have to say that Jayco has come through.  They also sent new wall boards and doors...really what we needed was new door some moisture got into the rig and warped the wood.  Door moldings are coming.

Winter is over and Spring is here.  Wishing for a summer that sets us on a new path.

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